Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lazy weekend

Well its been a very lazy and quiet weekend...but before I get into what I did, I have a couple announcement thingies to make.

First, If any of you have an extraordinary good memory you will remember my little ran about how my mom is a jerk for getting me all those letters with the lumps in them. Well guess what, the lumps are skittles and starburst! This is AWESOME (and sucks) because I LOVE them! (and now have to resist eating them all at once) I had meant to mention this, but every blog I write is usually finished at 9:30 (half an hour after I should be sleeping) and all my carefully laid blog ideas get scattered in the rush to post SOMETHING and get to sleep. So I'm sorry mom, I really appreciate them, I've just forgotten to tell you.

Actually I had intended to answer most comments with comments and keep a running dialogue, but I (obviously) don't have time for that. But I do read all your comments, even if it doesn't seem like I'm noticing yours, trust me, I am.

Also, I think I've developed a tentative posting schedule. It will be every weekday that I have internet access, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday for good measure. In the future I may not have many interesting things to say for the weekdays, though I am sure I'll always have to say on Sunday, so if I have very little I'll include a fun fact or detail about Malawi, so even though there may not be much new on how I'm doing, by reading more and more you will get a better picture of Malawi as time goes on.

So anyway, Saturday was our (the guys) shopping day. First went to pick up Victor from his house so he could show us around and help us find some straw mats. Though it was a while before we got to see any good ones. We had lots of detours, like picking up the car from the mechanics. Actually while we were there Victor showed up this car he's gonna fix up in two weeks. It had NOTHING, and EVERYTHING. I mean, Nothing was where it was supposed to be and EVERYTHING was in one HUGE mess. Joy said if he gets it done in two weeks he'd buy Vic a coke. I said I'd buy him three.

But anyway, eventually we made it to Blantyre market, and we, (after much haggling) picked up two nice straw mats and a straw basket for my laundry bag. Then we proceeded to browbeat Vic untill he agreed to let us take him to luch (it was Ali Babas again, and I'm sorry Ulf, I couldn't resist the tandori chicken.)

After that it was off to the supermarket for our food items (I specifically had to by skim milk, thanks mom and dad, 2% is forever ruined for me...) and we went off to game (=walmart) to get a couple other odds and ends. I got some shower materials. J got a dangly light bulb socket so i can replace the broken one. (I think thats gonna be my lest electrical job)

Then we went home to struggle with downloading the presidential debates. I think we ended up being able to see 20 minutes of it. My summary. I think Barack's sound bites were far better thann Mccains. And he was much more specific. What I didn't like: Mccains shpeal about responsibility. Ive been there before, it solves nothing and only serves to take your mind off of whats wrong by finding someone to blame. I also didnt like Barack's back patting (Mccain did it too but Barack started it) on how he warned about wall street and the war. Thats all in the past, and dwelling on it solves nothing.

And then I tried to rewrite my "maze" program on one of the computers, and got so wrapped up in it that I didn't even notice that I was burning my food. Note for Mr. C If he ever reads this: Can you email me the Ready to Program specific classes, I want to try to incorporate them into Eclipse. (And I think I can)

Neway, then we went to bed.

Today has been even lazier. Joy went on a hike earlier today and came back around 1ish. Before that, Leslie and I were sitting in the Downhouse, doing random things, like me adding more songs to my garganutan (300 big) playlist, screwing a whiteboard into the concrete, and putting some algorithms into one of our databases, and putting about 15 cards worth of data in it. Speaking of which, mom, if you ever have any free time, could you mail me a bunch of pointers on excel coding? Functions,, how to merge...etc? I think having that knowledge would be helpful.
But seriously, only if you have time, I know you overwork yourself too much as it is.

And them when Joy got back we went to Maky's. Yum! And then I hurried back to write this.

Oh and one last thing, I tried uploading some pics at the cafe. No beans. I think that the pics will fit (says max 8 mb and they're 2) but the connection needs to be faster. Wait till october-ish when we get the faster internet set up mk?



Malawi Mom said...

I will CONSIDER forgiving you for the egregious slight. It's not a slam-dunk for you though, because I know your father tipped you off that I was ticked off! A bit more groveling MAY get you off the hook. You certainly AREN'T on the future candy-shipment list yet!

So, Excel functions, you ask? Your database is in EXCEL? What type of queries are you having to conduct? Or is the extent of your involvement strictly data entry? When you say "merge" do you mean like mail/merge or like concatenating data from multiple fields? Shoot me an email with a bit more specific info on what you need. I doubt your loyal readership is interested in a group Excel lesson.

Still plugging away at those last 4 lbs. I may have to take in the 78 lbs of pasta and say "These 76 boxes represent what I've lost so far ... and THESE two boxes are the weensy bit I have left!" Not quite the same impact but you do what you can, you know?

OK, here are some questions for you to answer:

1. Why do you need straw mats?

2. You're buying milk. This would indicate the refrigerator is working but Mrs. Manary said the electricity can go out for days on end. How reliable has it been since you've been there?

3. I must admit to some surprise that you are eating so well when you are helping malnourished children. Is this weird for you, too?

OK, I should get my stuff ready to practice for choir tomorrow. Later!


Malawi Mom said...
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Malawi Mom said...

A suggestion for you ...
Since you're setting out a pretty robust posting schedule, maybe you could take one day a week to respond to the questions people pose in their comments. We really ARE interested in the answers!

A comment for you ...
I cannot BELIEVE you are actually going to bed before 10 p.m.! Who are you and what have you done with my son??

Anonymous said...

Wow...what a schedule you've had. Just wanted you to know that I've been reading your ramblings and am impressed by all you are doing.

Question? As the proud MIL of a US Marine, I am quite good at care packages. Is there anything you would like from the states from a former band mommy? Feel free to post requests! (I'll ask your Mom to email me your address)

Looking forward to more of your blogs. Adele Connelly

Unknown said...

I was wondering. What are the roads made out of (and what kind of repair are they in) and are there many bicycles in use?

Anonymous said...

Boo says: CONGRATULATIONS Aunt Ann!!! And Billy, just wanted to throw out there that I am also interested in answers to questions concerning your African antics... my random comments can be ignored :) neeext! <3

wooooah the word verification has a really neat read-aloud feature when one clicks on the wheelchair symbol!

Malawi Mom said...

Becca Boo - WHAT wheelchair symbol?

Aunt Ann

Anonymous said...

oh I've got one to the right of the box where we type the "word verification" it reads something outloud with funky noises in the background I'm assuming for people who would have trouble reading the usual one? Mayhap only our computer comes with this feature I thought it was pretty neat :)