Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sorry, crap came up again and I couldn't get my posts off. I'll make it up to you tomorrow.

BOO, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! YOU'RE JUST ABOUT THE FIRST PERSON UNDER 40 TO MAKE A POST CONSISTENTLY. TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY. Have no fear, the first thing I did after seeing you posted a lot was to go and read them all. THANKS. PLEASE KEEP POSTING. =)))))

Now that that's out of my system, I'll let you guys in on a plan I have. Schedule be damned, my new goal is to post 3 times a week, whenever that may be. And here's an incentive for posting. If you post in a week (sun to sun) where I haven't posted at least three times, I'll owe you a favor. And it can be ANY favor. So if you comment every week I might end up seriously owing you. Hopefully this will both keep me posting and you commenting! (Like the FANTASTIC miss boo!)


---He who isn't sure that that incentive was wise...


Malawi Mom said...

Count me in! I'll post EVERY day if I get to call in the favor of my choice when you get back!

Hope to talk to you soon ... for longer than 30 seconds!



mediumbill said...
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Anonymous said...

You are really getting a lifetime experience. suck it in.


Anonymous said...

Hi Billy Good Luck with all of your adventures. Don't work too hard. We are enjoying your parents visit. They wre leaving soon to vist your Uncle John and Barbarann and then they will leave from there to go back to Maryland. Love you and Be good Grandma Its going up to 77 degrees today ITs beautiful Happy Columbus Day!

mediumbill said...

Is that deal good for us over 40? Can I get any favor? I can think of lots of things... LOTS OF THINGS...

BTW, Any chance we can get any pictures posted? even one?

love Dad