Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm such a bastard...

Ok I know that title will throw some of you, but once I explain, you'll understand. This post starts late Friday, after I left Icon from that last post, which got some nice responces btw. But anyway, I drove home and upon getting home realized I didn't have my keys. CRAP! So I quickly drove back to Icon to see if I left them there. (I REALLY don't want to lose my keys!) And on the way back I was doing a right hand turn, and pulled a typical Amarican driver mistake, you dont have to look on right turns. (Plus I was a little freaked about the keys.) So as I turn I see these headlights coming towards the front of the truck. Quickly. I think it says a lot about me, probably as much as the last post did, that the only thing that passed through my mind before the collision was, "Fuck." (This word can have lots of flavors, and the paticular flavor this time was "Are you serious?") It was kinda strange, because the roads always freak me out here, I take turns very slowly, so when the guy slammed into me, I was almost stationary. And the truck i was in hardly even shook. No air bag. Just a little, teeny jolt. I got out and the Hilux (Which I was driving) was hardly even dented. In fact the only thing even bent was the bumper. That truck is a TANK. Especially considering that the other car was totaled. Like, V shape indentation, dripping oil, sizzling. Crazyness. And the guy who walked out was like 6 foot. Black guy. If he was pissed he could have easily rearranged my face. But he didn't.

Side note here. Though the accident was completely my fault, I am almost sure the guy was speeding. The roads at night are very empty, and I am confident in my ability to recognize when a car is very close to me. I think that he was proably going very fast, and I didn't recognize how fast he was going. Plus, there's NO WAY to damage your car as bad as his was if you were going any reasonably speed.

Anyhow, he called the police, and I called Leslie and our manager (who I forgot how I named). I asked Leslie to bring my driver's license. The manager was just there because she's our manager. We drove the car off the side. (To the right, the bumper made it impossible to drive left.) And then we went to the police station. It was kinda funny, becuase the police officer was making this report on blank sheets of paper, drawing the lines using other pieces of paper. I would have laughed, if I wasn't using every ounce of energy to calm myself down. Anyway, there was a lot of. "You need to look before you turn." "Yes." "You didn't look correctly." "Indeed." Etc. Probably because I was so straightforward, they gave me the lowest offence, inconsiderate driving. The fine is probably, 2500, to 5000 Kwatcha (one dollar = 150 kwatcha) which is funny, since my weekly stipend is 7000. I go to court on tuesday to sort that out. (Everyone goes to court of every offence here, I'll probably just pay the fine and go, try to restart dad's heart please, mom.)

One thing was kinda awkward though, I was supposed to be able to make a statement, and I tried to make mine, "I agree with the charges, but the other driver was speeding as well, and the damage would be considerably less had he not been." But the Policeman was kinda like "You agree. Sign here." I was told when we got home that my civil rights were violated by that, but no one wanted to push it. Didn't really seem like the time or place for it, if you get my drift. Plus, if the fine is as small as everyone thinks, I wont even care.

Small note, this is a key example of how amazing my luck is. Though, yes, I am kinda unlucky (or stupid) for getting into an accident, my luck paces the road so everything works out. For example, when do I get into an accident? When we have two extra working cars. How badly is my car damaged? Barely, it took us about half an hour to bend the bumper back, and it doesn't even need to be taken to the shop. Where do I get into an accident? A country where (I think) it wont go on my record. Does the guy who could seriously hurt me try? No. How much will I (hopefully) have to pay? Less than I get every week. Seriously, Its not like I ever test my luck, but its always like this. Stupid stuff I do that works itself out.

So how does this make me a bastard? All I could think about for the last two days was this: I'm dictating from a hospital bed. I got into a terrible accident and lost my left arm. I wrecked one of the project vehicles. All this crap I could say to make both my parents instantly go into cardiac arrest. It was only because I thought they might be mad enough to kill me when I get home, if they let me back home after that, that kept me from saying something like that. See, what decent person would actually think that?

So enough on that. I'm fine, and I'll let you know what happens on Tuesday.

Saturday. Woke up at like 12-1ish. Entered like 50 data cards. Very normal day, just lazing around listening to my music. We went to a club at 10 though to listen to a Reggae band play. It was nice, we got Joy (male) me, Victor, Leslie, and L(Forget what is after the L, will fix later, but he runs the factory) and his wife. We just sat around listening and talking for two hours or so. OR they talked, I gave up at trying to talk over the band really soon. I just sat listening. And right as it was getting good the power died. BWAHAHAHAHA. Hows that for typical Malawian?

So today was more of the same. Ran around and did some shopping. Going to go to Macky's. And make sure there's nothing wrong with the cards I've already entered. (I checked the 150 I entered ove the last week, but I need to check the 100 we already had entered.) I'll probably do that at Macky's. So that's it for my weekend.

Q/A session 2

"Sundays quick post"

Kathleen - I want to check the site traffic asap, but those sights require me to download something, and unless I get a computer I wont be able to moniter it. Thanks though!

Ulf - Actually I think I might know a little more now. We started the computer yesterday, and it didn't recognize any airport hardware, which sucks, because that's what the computer is for. However, the computer works fine...could the airport cause the Kernel Panic?

Becca - I'm not sure if the brainstorming should worry me. xP And my arms are all better now.

Rita - Then you are in luck! Because I only use three. And you didn't get the favors because I only started the favor system recently.

"Normal-ish day 2"

Medium Bill - Cause you heart failure, and inherit your insurance, of course.

Becca - My friends want to leave so I'm gonna try to answer fast. There are tremendous amounts of subsistence farmers, which is about as dirt poor as you get. People that have bikes are kinda rich, if you consider that everyone is poor. Most whites are either tourists or volunteers. The indians are the rich upper class here. *eats cookie*

Aunt Jo - Aren't you happy to hear this update?

Chris - Following in your footsteps man!

"Never a dull moment..."

Rita - I can't spare the time to start the debate here, so I'll just wait till I get back then take you up on your offer.

Malawi Mom - Man, sounds like we are in the car on one of those hella long car rides again. Feel that way for you too?

Buhbuhboo- Welcome to the great world of unlimited speculation. if you ever want a long ramble about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, give me a call, I'd be glad to oblige.

Medium Bill - You are in the car too? Cool. And by the way you know I consider it more philosophical than spiritual. And I love that quote, "Specialization is for insects"

Liz - I've never heard that before, "BS." Haha. When I stop questioning things that is gonna be the time for someone to smack me with a slegehammer. Glad to see that you think some similar things to me too! You're a lot better at articulating them though, whats your trick?

MalawiMom - Urgh. Look this week I posted 4 times. Here's why. "Sundays quick post" was posted on MONDAY. If you look closely there's a "Note:" and I follow with the nothing that happened on monday. I STARTED on Sunday, and posted on Monday. Then Tuesday rolled along, and I posted "Normal-ish day 2" Friday was "Never a dull moment..." And Sunday is "I'm such a bastard..." My week starts on Monday, becuase that's when my work weeks starts, then I relax on the weekend, and Monday starts it over again. Monday - Sunday. Mon, Tue, Fri, Sun. I owe you nothing. Hahaha.

---He who really hopes he will prove useful enough to keep another three months.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Glad your accident was not nearly as bad as it could have been. Hope the fine is as low as they say it should be.