Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, its been quite a twelve days since I last posted. I don't have time to fill you in on everything yet, but I'll tell you why I've been absent, if only to assure you that I'm still alive. This month is approximately three months since the stool study started. Healthy babies get stool collected every three months. So EVERYONE is pooping now. And it only takes one stubborn kid with powerful sphincter muscles to keep us at the site forever. I've been sick, I think I'm finally over all of it, but I thought that a month ago too, when this freaking cold first hit me. And for some reason no matter what I do, nothing ever seems to time right so I can get to Icon cyber cafe in time to post. I'm working on it. Oh, and last week makes the fourth time I haven't posted enough, so there will be loads of favors. Yeah I think four is biting off more than I can chew. So anyways, I'm alive. I'm (Hopefully) healthy. 


---He who now owes WAY too many people favors.

P.S. I'm desperate and this post delayed my sleep. So just this once I'm counting this little nothing of a post as one of my four this week.


Anonymous said...

You can count it as two post as long as you are alive and well.

keep up the good work.

You are makeing me proud.

Be safe.

Love Dad.

Kellye B. said...

good to see your still aliveXD try to take care of yourself!!

Anonymous said...

<<< sigh >>>> Wow! What a huge relief you are ok, Billy! I've been checking twice a day for a post!

We're also proud of you! Take good care of yourself, and no worries about favors for me. :)

Love, Aggie

Malawi Mom said...

This not being able to post comments at work is a drag. I look like a delinquent mother or something. I came home from work last night and pretty much went right to bed (still fighting that cold). I DO read them as soon as you post them but the firewall at work prevents me from adding a comment.

That said, I'm so glad you are feeling better. No more instances of feeling faint?

And everybody's pooping, eh? I mentioned your project to one of my coworkers and her first response was that someday when you're married with a baby, you're NEVER gonna be able to tell your wife that you can't change a diaper!

And, if Aggie doesn't want her favor, I'll take it!

I sure hope you can post tomorrow. I always look forward to seeing what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

H a p p y T h a n k s g i v i n g!

--Love, Aggie

Anonymous said...

I'll chime in and add that I'm also glad you're not dead! But I hope the quality of life is alright = right-side-up with sufficient rest
Empowering hug! LOVE boo

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

He's up! Woot! He's standing! (is anyone timing him?)

I have some shirt titles to share with you:


As a matter of fact, I did sleep in these clothes.

By reading this shirt you have given me brief control over you mind.

Do not want!

Hey! If you need anything . . . don't hesitate to ask someone else.

My day isn't done until I've horrified a complete stranger.

On your mark, get set, go away!

The top ten reasons I procrastinate. One.

(I thought the first one really hit you where you live!)