Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hannah is coming!

Hannah, a new doctor person is coming today. It will be interesting, because as Leslie put it, "We have the same conversations over and over, and it will be nice to have her here instead of having to role-play her." Really though, I'm kinda excited, because I've heard so many people talking about her (Many of them contradicting each other) and this will be the day we get to meet the mystery person!

Thing on the bugs of last night, I was recently told people eat them here...which is why we only found the wings this morning...

So here comes a post I've been meaning to make for a long time...What is it actually like to live in a third world country?

Well we have everything here that you have in a first world country. There are cars, air conditioning, planes, roads, government, police, computers, Etc. However, only the very rich have them. And the condition of the luxuries here is a far degree lower than it is in the states. The cars break down all the time, the computers aren't half as good as back home, the police don't have cars, roads are shitty, planes only arrive twice a week, and the government mildly corrupt (better than in previous administrations) and to a certain degree, ineffectual. We have only been in air conditioning once. And EVERYONE is walking or riding a bike. Or riding in one of those minibus deathtraps, if they can afford it. And this is in the cities, where everyone is sort of well off, by malawian standards. In the villages, people live like the 18th century or earlier. Starvation isn't something to bemoan, its just a part of everyday life. Water is pulled from pumps, and there is no good education, unless you pay for it. Compare this to the states where people can squander everything they are given (on a silver platter no less) and still have their god given right to a car and a roof over their heads. Its amazing how lucky we are, my readership and me, to be born in a country where everything is provided for, and you barely have to work to get such luxuries as we take for granted. I say this because I have seen children aged three or less hoeing their "gardens" (Fields) with a hoe that is bigger than them. In comparison most in first world countries just amble their way through life without a care in the world. Seriously, thank whatever deity you pray to, or to fortune if you like me, that you were so damn lucky to be born where you were, for nothing you have ever accomplished, no matter how hard you worked, would be possible here.


---He who hopes Hannah has a sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Bill. In answer to your question if you're a bad person making babies cry just by looking at them. My reply: NO. Of course, remember this is coming from the person who relentlessly sang "Puff, the Magic Dragon" to your mom--enough said! You get it, right??
Love, Aunt Jo

Kellye B. said...

yes we are very lucky people!!

oh, and on a past note, way to go in getting into a car accident in a different country.
Way. To. Go.:P