Saturday, November 1, 2008


As the title suggests, cards are filling up all my free time...actually I see orange wherever I look...maybe I'm starting to lose it...haha. But seriously, I've entered 50 so far and will probably enter 50-75 more before today ends. I've been to Macky's today, and we might go for a hike. Then more cards. Cards. Cardies. Hah...

Oh and I am still allowed to drive, as it is one of the things that every worker here needs to be able to do. Not that I'm jumping on it, I still hate driving. But when I have to I am able to.

This post isn't gonna be long, I couldn't prepare ahead of time, and there isn't much to say about today. So I can't fit in much of an about Malawi, but heres a little one.

You might think that africa is full of wildlife, but you'd be dead wrong. Other than little lizards, there is barely any wildlife here. Outside of preserves of course. Why is that? All of the natives eat all the animals. In fact there are only two animals that remain now. One, Monkeys. Why? They are too smart to get themselves eaten. (Made me laugh, Monkeys:1 People:0) The other animals are hippos. And that is just because...well hippos are big sunsaguns. You make one mad and you might be taken out of the gene pool. And that is todays quick posty.


---He who is REALLY tired of cards


Anonymous said...

Really wonderful to hear from seemed like an eternity since your last post! I truly admire your work ethic, Billy. I don't really have any questions yet about Project Peanut Butter or life in Africa...your posts are pretty thorough. Keep up the good work! It is depressing to note that as we Americans approach festivities and holidays, Malawi faces a shortage of food and more starvation. I can hear it. Read it. Understand it. Yet it is still surreal. We sponsor a girl named Joice in Kenya and a boy named Eugene in Rwanda. When they write they tend not to dwell on the bad stuff, so your posts will give Steve and me and the boys fresh insight into life in Africa. I wish an American newspaper would pick up your story - would be far more meaningful than some of the trash that is passed off as journalism. We are anxious for election day to be behind us. Overwhelmed with the raging political battles.

Take good care of yourself, Billy.

Love, Aggie

Malawi Mom said...

A few years back, when I was working as a trainer on the base, I was tasked with teaching "Travel Manager" five days a week. System wasn't stable and all the business rules had not been set. I never knew what disaster awaited me when I walked into the training room.

I literally started DREAMING about Travel Manager. Let me know when you start dreaming in orange, buddy! :-)


mediumbill said...

Good to hear from you.

I want to hear about the hike. Where did you go, how far and what did you see?

Mom is having one of her movie nights and gem show trips with her gang (coven) of female work friends. Thus I'm going to take the day and go for a hike. Maybe St. mary's lake.

Love Dad

mediumbill said...

Make sure you take pictures

Anonymous said...

Billy, Uncle Dennis here. Aunt Mary Jo and I are sitting at a McDonald's on Sunday evening at the beach, using their Wi Fi on our new computer to catch up on your blog. We are so high tech! Your descriptions of your daily activities are very well written and very thought provoking. I believe that many people we know would greatly benefit from the perspective gotten from reading your blog about the realities of life in Africa. I found your explanation of the lack of wildlife in Malawi to be most fascinating. In the animal world of Africa, it appears to be good to be a monkey! We are very relieved that your experience with Malawi justice went reasonably well. I know from experience in Scotland and Ireland how tricky driving on the left can be, and that's even when I had an excellent navigator like Aunt Jo by my side. I have to say that although the constant orange card entry may seem boring after awhile, it certainly must beat having to use those "magic hands"! I just want to tell you again how very proud we are of you and what you are doing. I tell my office staff about your work all the time , and they very much respect and admire your endeavors. Take care and be safe.

Love, Uncle Dennis

Hi, Bill (the original Pooper Scooper)! As Uncle Den said, it's going to snow in Malawi--here we are with our laptop in Mickey D's--who would have thought this would EVER happen???!!!

I should start keeping a log of things I want to talk to you about when you return--we might pull one of your mom's "all nighters!"

I think it's very cool when you experience something that is really indigenous--like the wedding. To see "up close and personal" things like a wedding is simply the best--like we have seen in Venice and Scotland. Wonderful to share even a moment in someone else's happiness.

We've lost daylight savings as of today so it's dark early--not a good sign of things to come. Temps today are in mid 50s and very windy--we're not waking up sweaty, that's for sure.

What's your favorite dish at Macky's?? Bring back a menu if you can!

You gave a tantalizing hint of your "epiphany" about death. I hope to read more about your thoughts in a blog.

OK, hope you have a good week. Who would have thought that I should have given you an intensive typing lesson before you left--we could crank out those puppies lickety split.

LOL, Aunt Jo xxxooo